Sunday, May 29, 2022

"Global warming is actually causing COLDER winters"

Climate change is often associated with the Earth getting hotter, but a rise in greenhouse gasses is leading to chillier winters in the U.S. and Europe, according to scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Abnormal warming in the poles creates excess energy that causes the polar vortex phenomenon to weaken and split off into smaller 'sister' vortices that travel outside its typical arctic range, according to a new study in the journal Science.

A split in a polar vortex can give rise to both sudden and delayed effects, much of which involves declining temperatures and extreme winter weather in the U.S. and Northern and Western Europe.

Friday, May 27, 2022

If it sounds like I made this idea up, here is an actual real science report

 Feb. 20 (UPI) -- Global warming will bring milder winter weather to much of the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe and North America. But some climate scientists predict those balmy winter days will be more frequently interrupted by extreme cold.

In other words, winters in the future will be -- rather counter-intuitively -- both warmer and colder.

Warming makes it colder

Winter is coming: Researchers uncover a surprising cause of the Little Ice Age Cold era, lasting from early 15th to mid-19th centuries, trig...